AD MEPSO Streamlines Document Signing with New Web-based Solution

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Digitalization is essential for companies with critical infrastructure. At AD MEPSO, we understand the importance of fast and secure communication. That is why we are constantly improving our procedures and processes, including the introduction of a modern web-based solution for digital document signing. This system streamlines processes, enables electronic signing, and creates electronic documents. It additionally offers a definition of simple and complex scenarios and templates for the signature of multiple users. This solution can be used internally and externally to sign documents for outsourced associates, suppliers, and clients.

Digitalization brings benefits and provides:

  • Faster completion of tasks;
  • Lower costs for printing documents;
  • Productivity and reliability increase.

The production of electronically signed documents is in accordance with the international standards and the Law on Electronic Documents, Electronic Identification, and Trust Services of the RNM.

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