News and events

Title Published Date
AD MEPSO and EBRD Sign a Loan Agreement for Strengthening of the Transmission Network 23 July 2024
Introducing TSO's New Internet-based MMS Platform 25 November 2022
Expectations for RES connection to the transmission network have been exceeded three times 15 September 2021
Energy cooperation in the SEE group is being strengthened 15 September 2021
AD MEPSO at the Macedonian-Romanian economic forum 09 July 2021
The thorough rehabilitation of SS Probishtip is completed 22 June 2021
Energizing the 400 kV coupling bay in SS Skopje 4 17 June 2021
Energizing 400 kV Transmission Line Bay SS Skopje 4 – SS Skopje 5 15 June 2021
AD MEPSO friend of PHI UC ‘St. Naum Ohridski – Skopje’ 15 June 2021
400 kV TL Bitola–Elbasan – Construction Preparations in Progress 13 April 2021
New 400/110 kV Transformer Put into Operation in SS Bitola 2 02 April 2021
Reconstruction of SS Shtip – SS Ovche Pole 04 March 2021
Information about annual auction on border MK-RS 24 November 2020
Maintenance plan for interconnections for 2021 year 18 November 2020
Shukleva addressed at the opening of the 46th European Young Engineers Conference of “Bridging Engineering Perspectives” 30 October 2020
Prime Minister Zaev: Neokazi - Probishtip Transmission Line Derives Considerable Benefits for the Citizens and Real Sector 11 October 2020
Decision on introducing aditional auctions for procurement of aFRR and mFRR balancing capacity and balancing energy 26 August 2020
Decision on Regulated Average Tariff Rates and Tariffs for Computational Elements for Electricity Transmission by AD MEPSO for 2020 04 August 2020
Invitation for Tenders - Single Stage: North Macedonia: Equipment For Substations Rehabilitation of Bitola 2 S/S 29 July 2020
More than €100 Million Investments in the Power System for Secure and Reliable Electricity Supply 07 July 2020
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