• Digitalization of Transmission Network Begins with New Telecommunication and Remote Monitoring Equipment for Substations
  • Digitalization of Transmission Network Begins with New Telecommunication and Remote Monitoring Equipment for Substations
  • Digitalization of Transmission Network Begins with New Telecommunication and Remote Monitoring Equipment for Substations
  • Digitalization of Transmission Network Begins with New Telecommunication and Remote Monitoring Equipment for Substations

Digitalization of Transmission Network Begins with New Telecommunication and Remote Monitoring Equipment for Substations

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“The new telecommunication and remote monitoring equipment is of utmost importance for the power system as it allows fast, stable, and reliable data transfer. This equipment also helps to ensure an uninterrupted power supply and minimize outage occurrences in events of hazards and bad weather conditions. Despite the energy crisis affecting the functioning of the energy companies, not just in the country but continentally and globally, MEPSO successfully upgrades its network and continues to play a crucial role in the country's energy sector. With its resources, support from the EBRD, and coordination with the Government, MEPSO has been able to overcome technical obstacles and to ensure a reliable energy supply for the people”, said the Director-General, Orhan Murtezani. 

"We have decided to invest in this technology to upgrade AD MEPSO's technological sovereignty in the energy sector. The technical specifications of this solution will yield positive results in the power and telecommunications system of the country. By adopting this solution, AD MEPSO is taking the first step in the process of digitalizing the transmission network", emphasized Murtezani.

“The equipment currently in use has been in operation since 2004, and due to its outdated technology, lack of manufacturer support, and absence of spare parts production, it no longer delivers the necessary technical performance. As a solution, we are implementing a new system that can provide real-time data for the SCADA system. The implementation of this modern technology will enable cost-effective and efficient utilization of optical fibers within the protective wiring of transmission lines. This innovative solution will enable us to implement coding measures, ensuring complete protection of the transmitted information”, said Murtezani.

The new equipment comes at a cost of EUR 4.9 million, of which EUR 2.9 million is being funded by EBRD. The remaining balance is being invested by AD MEPSO.

“The EBRD-financed portion of the project is valued at EUR 25 million and will encompass the rehabilitation of five substations and seven 110 kV transmission lines located throughout the country. MEPSO has a direct support to strengthen the transmission network capacity to connect additional RES and reduce the fossil fuels during EE generation. The strengthening  of the transmission network to connect more solar and wind farms will be crucial for the energy transition and energy security”, stated the EBRD representative, Mr. Andi Aranitasi.

“During times of crisis, investing in new equipment is especially critical to ensure the reliable transmission of electricity to both citizens and companies. Furthermore, such investments are essential for the successful completion of large projects in the energy sector”, said Prime Minister of the RNM, Dimitar Kovachevski.

“These investments are input in everlasting goods, which will contribute for increase of the level of energy independence. This Government, as no other, invests in the energy and in projects that will bring benefit. We are dedicated to the country’s energy transition because we are aware that is the future for energy independence and for environment protection”, clearly said Kovacheski.

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