Decision on introducing aditional auctions for procurement of aFRR and mFRR balancing capacity and balancing energy

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The introduction of the new balancing mechanism from January 01, 2020, and the already gained experience, as well as the analyses made, led to a need of certain changes in order to adjust the balancing mechanism to the conditions of the Macedonian power system, increase the domestic competition, and to get closer to the European energy service platforms, of which MEPSO expects to become a full member by December 2022.

For that purpose, for the year 2021, AD MEPSO will hold an auction for procurement of system services that offer shorter delivery period i.e. AD MEPSO will introduce monthly auctions for procurement of aFRR balancing capacity and balancing energy, instead of the existing yearly auctions, also it will introduce weekly auctions for mFRR balancing capacity and balancing energy, instead of the existing monthly auctions.

Following Article 21 Paragraph (3) and Article 37 Paragraph (2), from the Electricity Balance Market Rules, if necessary, AD MEPSO has the right to add and organize additional yearly, monthly and weekly auctions for aFRR and mFRR balancing capacity and balancing energy, thus it should announce such a decision four months in advance.

Consequently, AD MEPSO makes an announcement that from January 01, 2021 will conduct:

  • monthly auctions for procurement of aFRR balancing capacity and balancing energy,
  • weekly auctions for procurement of mFRR balancing capacity and balancing energy.

AD MEPSO’s position for these changes is that they will set out better conditions for the providers of balancing services (BSP) with forecast and optimization of the production of balancing units for aFRR and mFRR balancing energy, while completely fulfilling the obligations of AD MEPSO as a member of ENTSO-E to provide secure operation of the power system.

AD MEPSO reserves the right to change, in accordance with the Electricity Balancing Guideline.

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