• Beginning of the Telecommunication Equipment and Remote Monitoring of Substations Project Implementation
  • Beginning of the Telecommunication Equipment and Remote Monitoring of Substations Project Implementation
  • Beginning of the Telecommunication Equipment and Remote Monitoring of Substations Project Implementation

Beginning of the Telecommunication Equipment and Remote Monitoring of Substations Project Implementation

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The realization of the project that is of great importance for the AD MEPSO’s operation was launched. Hence, the old telecommunication equipment, which is crucial for data transfer, will be replaced (SCADA, metering devices, relay protection, connection with IP central, remote monitoring of substations, interconnections with neighbouring power system operators, etc.).

The engineers successfully completed the first stage of the training for management, configuration and maintenance of the equipment.

All telecommunication engineers successfully passed the test and are certified and prepared for installation, implementation and configuration.

The Factory Acceptance Test for the telecommunication equipment, which is manufactured particularly following the system requirements of AD MEPSO in the state of the art laboratories in Israel, is in progress.
This project will cover all substations owned by AD MEPSO.

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