• Shukleva addressed at the opening of the 46th European Young Engineers Conference of “Bridging Engineering Perspectives”
  • Shukleva addressed at the opening of the 46th European Young Engineers Conference of “Bridging Engineering Perspectives”

Shukleva addressed at the opening of the 46th European Young Engineers Conference of “Bridging Engineering Perspectives”

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MSc. Eva Shukleva, General Director of AD MEPSO, at the invitation of the Young Engineers Club addressed at the opening of the 46th European Young Engineers Conference with a working title Bridging Engineering Perspectives. In addition follows an excerpt from the MSc. Shukleva’s speech:

Success, depend on man’s devotions. From the slaloms, you have to do every day, between work and family obligations. But, to achieve the goal that you as young engineers must have in front of, to achieve the vision you have developed, you won’t need lust knowledge, but arm yourselves with patience and persistence, prepare do give up from many comforts, but to learn as well. Because theoretical knowledge and learning does not end with graduation or master studies.

Throughout my whole career, I constantly study. Every new position means new team, new working activities, projects that cannot be postponed, human resources management, and all that together at the end will bring professional success.

According to the current trends in the country and abroad, the IT engineers are being employed faster receiving better payed jobs. But as per my free estimation, considering the need of engineers in MEPSO, ESM and EVN, in the designing and construction companies, you as young engineers have good future, while MEPSO knows to ”steal” the best engineers, especially those who have chosen power engineering. Since student days, part of the students from the technical faculties in our country were, and others still are our scholars. Great number of them already build their careers in some of the energy companies and others share their gained knowledge in our universities and experience from MEPSO, EVN and ESM across the world with their equals.

There are no good and bad engineers. However, the theoretical knowledge that you will acquire here, will remain vacuumed and unused, if you do not use the same in practice.

Therefore, we, as a management team in AD MEPSO put an accent on the continuous learning, training and practical work.

Because investments in the equipment is not sufficient for successful work of a company, we especially devote attention to the investments in the human resources.

AD MEPSO follows the professional development of its engineering with full awareness. Hence, we pay attention to the specific talents in certain domains and give a chance for development of professional talent. We are flexible regarding the requirements, potential and talent in certain domain, by listening to the engineers and giving them opportunity to prove themselves in the domain of their interest.

In the past period, many young engineers from different domains were employed. We must follow this trend and in you, we see future professionals that will contribute towards the development of the power engineering.


It was my honor to speak in front of you.

Sincerely, I wish you successful learning, good health and luck in all walks of your life.

May you become recognized in your profession and may your accomplishments speak for you.

We expect you.

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